Jan 31, 2020
In this episode of the Championship Leadership podcast, James Lawrence talks about Consistency and why you need to take action now. Acknowledging everyone around you and believing in yourself.
Jan 29, 2020
In this episode of the Championship Leadership podcast, Thom Shea talks about making complex things simple, the importance of having a coach and staying true to your word.
Jan 27, 2020
In this episode of the Championship Leadership podcast, Gerritt Bake talks about the importance of time, leadership, and approaching obstacles as opportunities.
Jan 24, 2020
In this episode of the Championship Leadership podcast, Aren Deu talks about the times in his life that were difficult and how he was able to learn from them and move to the next level.
Jan 20, 2020
In this episode of the Championship Leadership podcast, Nani Bernal talks about her incredible story about making the messes inside of her life her mission to get to that next level.